11.1 Recommendations Ngā tūtohutanga
Home Reports Main Report Part Three: Moving Forward 11.1 Recommendations
Overview of the recommendationsi | Tirohanga whānui o ngā whakaaturanga
Group 1: Strengthen all-of-government coordination and accountability for pandemic preparedness | |
Establish a central agency function to coordinate all-of-government preparation and response planning for pandemics and other national risks. |
Central agency function |
Oversight and accountability |
Group 2: Ensure an all-of-government pandemic plan, response structure and supporting processes are developed and ready for a pandemic response | |
Planning Develop and practise an all-of-government response plan for a pandemic, covering the national-level response and integrating sector-specific plans. |
Response structure Ensure an all-of-government response structure is ready to be activated if |
Group 3: Strengthen the public health measures that may be required in a pandemic | |
Health system pandemic planning Refine the health system pandemic plan and link it with the all-of-government pandemic plan. |
Plans in place for scaling-up and implementing significant public health measures in a pandemic: |
Group 4: Ensure all sectors are prepared for a pandemic and are ready to respond | ||
Ensure each sector has a pandemic plan and considers what they would need to do to support activity within their sector to keep going safely in a pandemic. |
Health Build resilience to ensure continuity of non-pandemic healthcare. Improve ventilation in hospitals and other public spaces. |
Economic Ensure plans are in place to address the way that the economy functions during a pandemic – including economic and fiscal policy, the labour market, management of supply chains, the operation of lifeline utilities, and the provision of financial support. |
Social sector Strengthen coordination at local, regional and national levels. |
Justice sector Maintain access to services and ensure the rights and wellbeing of prisoners are protected. |
Education Plan to keep educational facilities open as much as possible. |
Group 5: Ensure enablers are in place |
Improve the way public sector agencies work with iwi and Māori during a pandemic, to support the Crown in its relationship with Māori under te Tiriti. Review legislation to ensure it is fit for purpose for a future pandemic. Ensure core infrastructure is fit for purpose to support each sector’s pandemic response. |
Group 6: Implement these recommendations |
Assign a minister to lead the response to the recommendations, ensure six-monthly progress reports, and report to Parliament within 12 months of this report being completed. |
i This overview provides a summary of the high-level recommendations included in the table of recommendations (see section 11.4). It does not include the supporting detail, and the table itself should be regarded as the definitive statement of the Phase One recommendations